How to Inspire Yourself and Others in Eight Steps

Steps to inspiration in loving ourselves and each other.

No matter your age stay young at heart.

Have you met Harry? He is a 92 year old organic farmer and grass sandwich extraordinaire. What is the secret to his vitality? He works hard, lives with his connections to the earth in tact, and loves with all of his heart. Not because organic is trendy or because he found his guru. Simply because he knows that living from love and tradition are the right thing to do. Not to mention if you ask him about chemical sprays and GMO he will tell you in his sweet snappy way “those things will kill you!”. Wise words from decades of wisdom.

Plant a garden. Learn how to make a grass sandwich and eat one everyday. Love your family. Stand in the sun and touch the dirt. You may just live happily to the best kind of youthful old age.

Surrender to what you can’t control.

Elaina’s son died as a teenager. She describes feeling helpless in the face of such tragedy and was bravely guided by spirit to surrender. Elaina began to know that Dominic’s soul was on a journey. She did everything she knew to heal and love him then she stopped. Stopped at the point where only sadness and desperation would be the outcome. Today Elaina is a stunning international raw food chef and her child is her guardian angel, guiding her highest choices.

We suffer when we attempt to control the uncontrollable. When we choose to fight against the moment of what is. Hug the person you love and allow them their journey. Follow the guidance of your heart and honor your body. Elaina honors her body with raw food and her heart with creativity. How do you honor yourself? What can you surrender to today?

Marry your best friend.

Merle married his dearest buddy. In loving Michele, he didn’t set out to conquer or pursue. Only to assist, support, and adore his kind neighbor with no strings attached. She would call him for anything. Sometimes just to talk. Other times for help around the house or a friend to hang out with. He showed up, smiled, and supported her. As the story goes one day he held her hand and they have never let go.

How do you love unconditionally? What can you do right now for your partner without expectation or return? Today Michele and Merle are non-GMO activists and collaborators in their love for the earth and each other. They follow the call to action of their hearts, not because someone told them to, only because they live from their truth without expectation of return. Michele and Merle support each other and the integrity of our planet. Reach out to them and ask “Why?” They will tell you just for the love of it.

Don’t give up. Know that living your dream requires perseverance.

Have you read Jennifer’s story? After her friend died, she created a non-profit to serve meals and support to those dealing with cancer. We are often told that when we begin our heart journey the world will just open up, and if right, everything will fall into our laps. That isn’t always true. Anything worth having often requires perseverance and tenacity. Jennifer will tell you that she was shocked when she first approached farmers to donate organic food (even just a small amount!) and was told no repeatedly. She stuck with it. Because she knew that she couldn’t quit, the world is now changed one step at a time by her contribution.

What doors do you need to open in your life? Where can you take one more step in the direction of your dreams? Like Jennifer it is time to persevere. You don’t need everyone to say yes to your path. The important parts are that you keep saying yes to yourself even in the face of no.

Normal is overrated.  Go against the grain.

Darrold found himself very sick with unusual symptoms. After multiple doctor appointments and no answers, he realized that gluten was causing his problems. The mainstream response is to go gluten free. While this is a great choice for many with gluten sensitivities, and an absolute requirement for those of us with celiac, he didn’t like the idea of following the usual gluten free diet. A lover and baker of bread, he began researching the science of gluten and learned about the modifications to our modern wheat plant. He took the most unorthodox risk and began experimenting with heirloom wheat. It turns out he can indeed have both his bread and eat it too!

Who is telling you that a goal in your life doesn’t make sense? Are you listening to them or following the beat of your own heart. No one ever changed the world following the usual path. Darrold made his impact by serving the earth and his body well. What can you do today that makes sense only to you?

Know that your worst moments may become your greatest blessings.

Sonia’s story is full of hardship and beauty. She is a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, experiences PTSD, and has known the pain of hunger. Rather than live from a place of defeat, she chose to allow her greatest pain to inspire her most brilliant life’s work. Today she grows organic food for the hungry. Her compassion and calling could only have risen from her biggest hardships.

Are you allowing the dark days in life to cover up your light? How can you turn your tragedy into triumph? Only in experiencing powerlessness do we often find our power. In feeling fear we are offered the best opportunity for courage. Start your path to an inspired life by writing down one thing everyday that you learned from the challenges in your life. Next ask yourself how can you open that knowledge to impact other’s lives for the better.

Pay it forward.

LoveSelf was created with one purpose. To pay it forward. We feature those making a positive contribution in food. Everyone highlighted by LoveSelf shares our vision of a world where we love ourselves and each other, eat well, serve the earth with integrity, and follow our dreams. Our inspiring people contribute by following their calling. Send us your inspiring person nominee. They may just get a feature and a hug.

Which brings us to our last inspiring tip.

Take risks.  Have faith. Security comes from living an authentic life.

Our journey is truly about the experiences. When you look back on your days. The question won’t be what did I do, it will be what did I feel.  Love yourself. Inspire yourself and others. The entire world will change.

Rachel Kahn
Founder at LoveSelf
Rachel Kahn is the founder of LoveSelf, a gluten free paleo wellness magazine dedicated to helping you discover your Happy Belly, Loving Heart, and Inspired Life. Rachel began studying holistic health and nutrition over a decade ago and attributes her own healing to lessons in body nurturing choices. Rachel is highlighting inspiring people healing with the power of real food and self-love.

2 thoughts on “How to Inspire Yourself and Others in Eight Steps”

  1. Very enlightening 8 step article. No matter what situation we have in our life, as you can see, be reading about these people, life can improve for you.

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