Welcome to LoveSelf!

Healing with the power of real food and self-love. We will guide your body and spirit to a happy belly and an inspired life.

LoveSelf is Rachel’s heart contribution, created with the knowledge that food fuels and heals us.

Did you know that most autoimmune disease begins with leaky gut symptoms and the belly is the core of our emotional and physical wellness? How about that self-love is the key to all love?

You will learn how to create your joyful life through our inspiring stories, loving wellness tips, gluten free, paleo, and raw food recipes.

Our true nourishment is an unbroken cycle we create with mama earth. She provides us a gift we put into our bodies and we return it to her with our energy and our action, creating a loop of love.

Follow these three steps to a LoveSelf inspired life!

  1. We suggest you begin your LoveSelf journey by reading our inspiring stories. Listen to your inner wisdom and choose those that call to your spirit. In our real life inspiring stories you will find love notes, questions, and guidance to start you on your path of joy and healing. Take your time. Feel into the soul of the article. Go back to it over and over and let the words fuel and empower you.
  1. Next choose the yummy recipes that happily heal your body. Our recipes are extraordinarily delicious, fuel you with joy, and are never about sacrifice. Because every-body is different you will find gluten free, paleo, and raw choices that are best for your needs. All of our recipes are refined sugar free and contain no genetically modified ingredients. If your great grandpa wouldn’t recognize the ingredient, we don’t include it in our recipes. Sometimes it is just that simple.
  1. Now that you are inspired and well fed you will want to learn more about all the ways to feed your body, mind, and spirit with our True to You Wellness Tips. Are you curious about why to choose cacao instead of cocoa? Or how to get better nights sleep? Or how about easy steps on the journey to love yourself? You will find all this plus more!

It is our desire that LoveSelf’s inspirational stories instill a desire in you to love yourself well, discover your happy belly, and follow your dreams. We are honored to be part of your healing journey.

So dear LoveSelfers. We now have a question for you! What resonates with your spirit?

Talk about your joy. Dance with it. And don’t forget we adore highlighting aspiring writers and will happily feature your healing stories.