The fat that keeps you skinny!
Yummy and fabulous for you! Check it out the benefits of coconut.
Yes, coconut oil contains saturated fat. Yet, not your run of the mill, ‘uh oh’ kind of saturated fat. Coconut oil has what are called Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFA). Most other oil sources contain Long Chain Fatty Acids. Without turning this into a yawn science article… let us tell you that MCFA’s are cool! Why? Because they metabolize differently.
What does this mean? Imagine oil that helps boost energy and metabolism and assists in lowering cholesterol? A fat that helps keep you skinny?! Wow. You found it! Yep, coconut oil.
Oh and there is more….!
Coconut oil contains Lauric Acid which means it is anti-viral and anti-bacterial.
Just for fun… here are a few more benefits. There are many more where these came from. We encourage you do your own research and to add to the list. Knowledge is LoveSelf power!
Coconut is rich in antioxidants. It contains so many helpful nutrients including Magnesium, Potassium, and Calcium.
The lovely tasty coconut is high in fiber and may help strengthen the immune system.
Coconut has been reported to assist in oh so many health functions! Mama Nature. You are amazing.
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