Loveself- Love-Self-Magazine

The Colors of LoveSelf

Welcome to LoveSelf Magazine! We are on a mission to inspire loving choices for your body and the earth.

What can you expect from us? We feature stories of wonderful people choosing to make a positive difference in how we grow, prepare, and delight in our food. Every happy article comes with a body loving gluten free wellness recipe to try at home.

Imagine an urban farmer empowering inner city neighborhoods. Or a lady war vet that feeds the hungry because she has known the pain of hunger. How about the amazing inspiration of a 92 year old man creating an organic garden in the ditch of his trailer park?!

For our LoveSelf Magazine launch we wanted to design a logo that represents every nuance of our mission to inspire self-love with fabulous earth and body empowered food choices.

So what do a butterfly, a heart, and a tree have in common with LoveSelf’s lofty vision?


A butterfly represents transformation, playfulness, and joy, the Colors of LoveSelf!

The heart wings are a symbol of love, compassion, and health; signifying our core connected being and inspiring greater heights and stunning adventure.

A tree has its roots firmly planted in mama earth and its branches to the heavens. Trees offer us strength, wisdom, and the life giving air we breathe.

Together our new logo is the colorful, strong, connected nourishing network that is all of us.

What color can you bring to your life and plate? Take a picture of your representation and send it to us. Food that looks like a rainbow is art for the soul.

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Rachel Kahn
Founder at LoveSelf
Rachel Kahn is the founder of LoveSelf, a gluten free paleo wellness magazine dedicated to helping you discover your Happy Belly, Loving Heart, and Inspired Life. Rachel began studying holistic health and nutrition over a decade ago and attributes her own healing to lessons in body nurturing choices. Rachel is highlighting inspiring people healing with the power of real food and self-love.