Healing Gluten Sensitivity with Wheat!

Healing Gluten Sensitivity with Wheat!

The Story of a Gluten Sensitive Man. His Love of Bread Healed Him.

You may be wondering… what is the gluten free lady doing, highlighting wheat?? Nope. You haven’t stumbled upon the wrong page. (Note: This is not for people with celiac).

Introducing the inspiring story of Darrold Glanville and his path to healing gluten sensitivity with wheat. Health in a most unorthodox fashion!

I first met Darrold when researching the explosion of health challenges that have resulted from the modern day wheat plant. I was thrilled to discover the healthy heritage grain alternative offered by Darrold and his wife Marty at Sunrise Flour Mill. They are a team that speaks with the wisdom and knowledge of a duo devoted to their craft.

The long married couple, Darrold, a previous biotech entrepreneur, and his wife Marty, a retired schoolteacher fell into the business of ancient grain milling quite by happy accident. Marty describes Darrold as the cook in the family. After retiring and moving to ten acres in Minnesota, they discovered their desire to create true home baked food. Darrold started baking bread. He began with traditional flour and continued to tweak his recipe. Interestingly, as his bread results got better and better, his health rapidly declined. After countless medical appointments, with no relief, the answer came to him in the form of pasta.

Pasta, really? Yes. After a particularly gluten filled evening at a local Italian restaurant, he discovered that his symptoms were worse than ever. Voila. Light bulb moment. Could it be the gluten? Darrold took the leap and gave up gluten flours. Within a few days he was feeling significantly better. After two months all of his symptoms were gone. Marty saw the great results and joined him on the gluten free adventure. Enthusiastically noting that she felt much better without the gluten.

But what about his fresh baked loaves that were becoming such a hit? Darrold attempted to create alternative bread using traditional gluten free flour blends yet wasn’t satisfied with the results. A knowledge seeker at heart he spent countless hours researching grains, wheat, and gluten intolerance. As he describes his frustration over the lack of information available, you can clearly see that the fuel that ignited his passion.


Darrold’s new knowledge brought him to an ancient grain called Turkey Red. He began baking with the new discovery and to his delight found out that not only was the bread amazing, he remained healthy and symptom free. Incredibly excited by his discovery, he began sourcing the grain and milling it himself.


Now how is this possible you wonder?? Healing gluten sensitivity with wheat? More and more studies are beginning to show that a significant percentage of the population may have sensitivity to today’s wheat. Health challenges from gluten can range from sensitivity (meaning your body just feels better if you don’t eat it) to an autoimmune disease called celiac and a wide spectrum in between. Naming just a few on the long list of possible symptoms include immune reduction, digestive issues, abdominal cramping, stool issues, skin disorders, joint pain, and fatigue. The symptoms often vary from person to person. (For more information check out our gluten free flours).

Gluten allergies are likely becoming more commonplace due to the modification of the modern wheat plant. Our current wheat is no longer the amber waves of grain we once consumed. In recent decades, hybridization began modifying the wheat plant resulting in less digestible gluten. Coupled with chemicals sprayed, such as Glyphosate make for a damaging combination.

Darrold and Marty of Sunrise Flour Mill offer a brilliant alternative with their heritage wheat. It is the original grain consumed for generations and an option your body is likely to appreciate.

In other words, Darrold’s healing did not come from today’s flour. He stepped back in time and discovered what most knew for centuries that organic wheat, in its original form, is unlikely to have the same impact on our digestive systems as the very sad substitute used in most products today. Couple that with a sourdough process and suddenly your bread has changed from enemy to friend of the year.


The dynamic duo have gifted LoveSelf with their body loving sourdough bread recipe. Try it and let us know what you think.

sunrise bread 3

Rachel Kahn
Founder at LoveSelf
Rachel Kahn is the founder of LoveSelf, a gluten free paleo wellness magazine dedicated to helping you discover your Happy Belly, Loving Heart, and Inspired Life. Rachel began studying holistic health and nutrition over a decade ago and attributes her own healing to lessons in body nurturing choices. Rachel is highlighting inspiring people healing with the power of real food and self-love.

One thought on “Healing Gluten Sensitivity with Wheat!”

  1. Great article Rachel. It is good to know that those with wheat sensitivity can have bread. Wonderful!

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