Jan’s path has spanned the globe. She is a passionate human rights participant and absolutely walks her talk. Just after college, Jan found a new calling. Her path led her from Iowa to wartime Uganda. At the time when many young people are testing the waters as newly independent adults, Jan was responsible for twenty-two orphans under the age of two. She learned to grow her own food and was faced with tough teenage orphan young men that had learned to portray hardness yet needed the love that comes only from softness. Jan not only adapted, she thrived and later returned with her own family to Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe. Jan’s fearlessness is evident in her stance and the kindness clear in her actions.
Jan continues to span the globe. During our recent conversation she tells me of her plans to return to India to teach women and orphans to sew. Her craft generates income and independence to those that need it most.
Most recently she has returned to her native roots and to the town she describes as “the pinnacle of food”. Jan’s role in natural farming began as the Local Food Coordinator for Pathfinders Resource Conservation and Development and has transitioned into coordinating a ground breaking local food project, The Southeast Iowa Food Hub.
Jan’s path in promoting natural farming is inspiring for all those taking steps to make a difference. While many agencies were losing funding, Jan not one for walking away easily, created a winning proposal and was awarded a Farm to School grant. Her efforts resulted in creating a greenhouse on the land of a local manufacturing site. Now I am sure you are wondering where does the electrical engineer mind play into the story? Well… the greenhouse Ms. Jan’s project developed utilizes the heat waste of the facility to warm the happy plant home. Jan was thrilled to explain in detail how each segment of the process works. I would happily explain it to you with the exception of one detail. Unlike Jan, I do not have that same engineering brain so can only tell you that sand heats to 1600 degrees and is cooled before the excess is pumped to an underground tank to heat the inspired indoor garden. The other details she will eagerly explain!
And for her fabulous new role with the Southeast Iowa Food Hub? Jan, in collaboration with Maharishi University of Management, has created a new certification process designed for local farmers. This incredible new approach, called Fairfood, purchases produce from local farmers that are non-GMO and are grown without pesticides or chemicals. Water quality, composting, and an appropriate buffer zone are all part of this healthy policy. The idea is rather than the environmental impact and extensive transportation costs, a standard is set to ensure optimal health and integrity while benefiting the local community. The standard also opens up a channel to market for many natural farmers that may be unable to afford the often-expensive organic certification costs. In building this brilliant new food system, she has passed the reigns of the greenhouse day-to-day management and is working incredibly hard to bring the natural produce to her community. As of her first meeting, she had fifty farmers interested in converting to natural growing farming practices. Her vision is every community school, hospital, restaurant, and retailer to have access to this fabulous healthy local food.
This year Iowa had an early frost leaving many tomatoes in Jan’s garden. Not one to be deterred, she decided to make green tomato salsa with the added bonus of fresh basil from the greenhouse. Checkout the LoveSelf Vegan Green Tomato Salsa Recipe, inspired by Jan.
Next time you are on the road, drive to a small town in southern Iowa and look for a lady named Jan. She will offer you an apple and tell you stories of Africa, feeding us well, inspiring healthy farming practices, and participating in new natural food standard. Definitely worth the trip!
LoveSelf food for thought… What step can you take to inspire naturally grown healthy food in your community?