How to listen to the earth, the voice of a carrot, and following your heart.
I am on a journey. A journey of discovery. Of heart and of food. My journey is quite literally taking me on a cross-country adventure in search of earth inspiration. I have stepped away from the life I know, placed all my belongings in storage, and packed two suitcases to flow through the heart of mama earth. This tour is not sponsored or funded. It is my contribution. I write about people to inspire others.
This article is dedicated to what I know now of the people of the earth. In the coming months, as life is all about the lessons we learn, I envision the “what I know now” to become a new now, with updated lessons. It is my hope that this journey inspires your dreams. Take a step with me on this fabulous food adventure.
My spirituality is food. The carrots and soil speak if we listen. This is what they have told me.
The ground is soil – not dirt. Choose your words and your food lovingly.
I was once told that soil stands for Source of Infinite Life. Even today when I write the words, tears spring to my eyes. How can we use the word dirt despairingly when it is what connects us to infinite abundance? The soil is the home for all life. It is the womb for our trees, our beloved oranges, and the ground we are honored to walk upon.

Sit down on the earth. Grab a handful of soil. Rub it between your fingers and feel yourself smile. It is the magic of reverence.
Real food straight from healthy soil tastes different.
I recall the first time I visited an organic farm. The lovely farmer picked an edible flower and handed it to me. Dirt and all. (Yes, I used to use the “D” word). My polite self said “Oh pretty. Thank you”. She said eat it! My city girl self thought “Whaaaat??? The good news is polite won and when I bit into that flower it was like tasting sunshine, bright colors, and joy. All at once! My life changed in that moment. I felt the energy of all time and giggled child-like from my toes.
No matter where you are in the world. Seek out a farmer and ask for a bite straight from the garden. Your world will be instantly brighter.
Healthy soil has the same microbes as a healthy digestive tract.
Imagine a city full of happy diverse people all working together for the good of each other. Pretty cool, ey? Well this is what healthy soil does everyday. It is full of microorganisms essential for life. The cooperation between those microorganisms, plant roots, insects, and weeds make for a winning team. (Contrary to popular biotech propaganda, weeds and insects are the rockstars of our community).
Where does our digestive tract fit into this? The root of the plant is essential to its health and ultimately the fruits and vegetables that nourish our bodies. A healthy root houses beneficial microbes just like a healthy human gut. Healthy soil is crucial for healthy humans!
Food heals.
We have been supplied all we need for health. Do you know what garlic, raw honey, and coconut oil all have in common? They are anti-bacterial and anti-viral. Did you know that lemons are not only natural internal cleaning agents, they are happy little mood boosters. How about kale and broccoli? More calcium than milk! Turmeric? Anti-inflammatory. I could go on and on yet you get the idea.
What is the fun way to make all this glory happen in your body? See how many colors you can combine on one plate and eat, eat, eat, and eat some more. Don’t forget to take a picture and send them to us! Why because we love to share the joy… and because food that looks like a rainbow is art for the soul.
We are one with the earth.
What happens to me happens to all life. Really! I will let you think about this one.
See you on the road. I will be the lady hugging a tree, chomping on a healthy ‘weed’ and chatting with the caterpillar.
Do you know an inspiring person? Of course you do!!! Tell us. We would love to share their story.

Originally published by Raw Food Magazine.