Sonia Kendrick, Afghan War Vet Grows Food For the Hungry

Afghan War Vet Grows Food For the Hungry

Sometimes it is our darkest days that bring our finest hour. I am honored to introduce Ms. Sonia Kendrick of Feed Iowa First.

Sonia’s road has not been an easy one. She is a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, a mother, an educated woman, and even with all that, has known the pain of hunger. Like so many that have seen hell and returned to tell about it, she experiences PTSD. She describes having “no off switch”, meaning that she lives with a constant sense of being on high alert.

Yet, please don’t feel sad for Sonia because this is a happy story. One of triumph and strength that I am proud to tell.

Sonia Kendrick Feed Iowa First

After returning from the war, Sonia chose the path up, had a family, and earned her Bachelor’s degree at Iowa State University. While attending college, she found herself part of a club that no one intentionally joins. The unspoken group called Food Insecurity.  She had become a ‘member’ of the 1 in 8 adults that go to bed hungry. Her child? Part of the 1 in 6.

With no other options, Sonia found herself at the food bank. Not one to feel comfortable taking, and always one to contribute, she decided to volunteer. Daily she would see the hidden faces of hunger and decided somehow she would take action.

That action became Feed Iowa First. A food system based in Cedar Rapids, Iowa that grows organic vegetables to feed the hungry. Sonia told me that “No one comes back alive from a war… If not physical death, then mental or emotional death.” In that dying Sonia has resurrected hope and life. Hope for the hungry and life to the earth

In just Sonia’s county alone, more than 26,000 people go to bed hungry. In the state? More than 400,000. Unbelievable in a place that is known for its rich soil. Yet, true because so much of once was food is now biotech controlled monocropping. 90% of Iowa’s food is now imported.

Feed Iowa First has joined with corporations and churches in the area to create twelve urban farms on underutilized land. For example Rockwell Collins offered land to this great cause. The employees have a chance to make a difference, lend their name, and assistance in tending a row in the garden. A lovely church joyfully grows Feed Iowa First’s eggplant for those in need.

Eggplant. Feed Iowa First.

The majority of the time, Sonia is a one woman army. She is the administrative contact. She weeds, tends, and manages the gardens. During my visit, Sonia had received the blessing of assistance. For two weeks the National Civilian Community Corps, part of Americorps had joined her. I had the opportunity to speak with the young NCCC’s. Both Sonia and her helpers speak of “living by demonstrating.” Their shining eyes and action for a better world gave me hope.

Feed Iowa First

Feed Iowa First has lofty goals. Sonia has a project underway to grow vegetables year around for low-income schools. The greens will be grown in a Wallipini, complete with fish for nutrients. (A Wallipini is essentially an underground green house. Check this out for more information on aquaponics and nutrients).

She speaks to me of strength and change, of “doing good” for our community, of educating those that want to become farmers, and most importantly of a day where no person is hungry.

Sonia’s 10 years in the military gave her a purpose. She can now be the heroine in a new story. One that fights a different kind of war. And in this case when well fed, both sides win.

Don’t forget to make Sonia’s Spaghetti Squash Recipe. As a busy working mama she knows the value of a fast healthy meal. Sonia loves adding veggies from her garden to the dish. What vegetables would you include?

Rachel Kahn
Founder at LoveSelf
Rachel Kahn is the founder of LoveSelf, a gluten free paleo wellness magazine dedicated to helping you discover your Happy Belly, Loving Heart, and Inspired Life. Rachel began studying holistic health and nutrition over a decade ago and attributes her own healing to lessons in body nurturing choices. Rachel is highlighting inspiring people healing with the power of real food and self-love.